
Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Brand New Year.

As I enter into 2011, I am going to be making some changes.
I want to start by saying thank you for making Amy O Photography what it is.
Without your support & love, I wouldn't be where I am today.

As I move into the next chapter of my business, I need to make a few adjustments to be able to grow as a photographer & as a business.
I wanted to be able to offer more products, more props, more one on one customer service(location/ clothing guides), better packaging and maybe open my very own studio in the future (ok maybe just a dream for the way future but you have to start somewhere).

Starting January 1. I will be making some changes.

*Morning sessions on weekdays. In the summer, I will be offering evenings as well.
I will still have weekends but not as many.
* I still will have the referral program and now offering a returning clients one as well. Book more than one session within the year and receive $25 off your session fee.
* A new client ordering and products section of the website . This will have all my products and offer. To be launched March 2011.
*Update website with new info, new photos..
* A new price guide which I have attached for you. I hated to have to raise my pricing but in order to move into the next step of my business I felt I needed to. It was a hard decision to make. I weighed the pros and cons, had many sleepless nights. I love all my clients! and wanted to still keep it affordable. You can either spend the same as before or get everything for a little more.

Somethings are not changing:
Great photos, great customer service, great sessions full of fun!
Great memories to share!

Now for the contest! Let's start the new year off right.. with a free session! This will include 5 digital files and the session fee! Just leave a comment below on the one thing you hope happens in 2011! Doesn't have to be a resolution or even possible. Just a wish that could happen. Like a vacation, new baby, better job. The skies the limit! Anyone can enter.. friends, family... You can even gift the session if you like.
Alright the rules: the contest starts today January 2, 2011 & will run through January 11, 2011 midnight CST. You must leave you comment on the blog page. Facebook won't count this time. I will choose the winner by randomizor. Good Luck!

Here's a few photos from a Engagement session in Chicago.


Rachael said...

Hi Amy!
In 2011 I hope many things happen actually! I hope my husband can spend more time with us rather than at work. I hope for good health for us and our entire family. I hope that my daughter grows and continues to bring us and our family such joy as she already does. I hope to start running again! I hope to just have a fun/exciting year with my family and friends!

blessing4 said...

Happy New Year Amy! I hope that I am blessed with a niece or nephew in 2011 or at least know that one is on the way!!!!

Unknown said...

Amy, can't wait to work with you in just 27 days! I wish that Kevin and I's first year of marriage entails endless wonderful moments, and I hope and wish that our wedding goes off without a hitch! :) Most of all, I wish that all of the people in my life continue to be healthy and happy. And of course, I wish for peace all over the world :)
See you soon, Happy New Year!!

Seija said...

Hi Amy!
Thanks for all the new info! I have several friends who have done pictures with you, but I haven't scheduled a session for my family yet! In 2011, I hope our family (immediate & extended!) can just 'be' together more! Sometimes there's so much drama and I just hope we can all put that behind us & realize how blessed we really are to have each other! Hoping for continued good health for our 3 little ones & my husband and me!
Hope 2011 brings much joy to your family as well!

monet reed said...

Hi Amy,
I hope that the new year brings happiness, so many past years have been unhappy. I hope that the new year brings good health to my family, and heathly baby twins from my sister. I really hope that we will have enough money to have a wedding and plan on starting a family at the end of the year!

Cathy said...

I'm really, really, really hoping we can make some headway this year with finishing our basement. Not entirely likely, but I'm really hoping for walls. We're shooting for some additional space for Meghan's growing toy collection!

Shanna Black said...

Happy New Year Amy! I'm hoping for a healthy and happy baby to be born in March and finally getting settled in since our move!

leighton's grandma said...

happy new year! how can it not be happy when you get to spend your time capturing smiling brides, chubby baby faces, nervous grooms and blessed families on film?! For my brand new year, I can't imagine anything better than time spent with family, so i hope for that -especially with grandaughter leighton. But when i can't be with her, i have your beautiful photos of her to talk to. Thank you for sharing your talents!

DanaHajek said...

Happy New Year!! I am excited to experience all the "firsts" that Aidan will experience this year; steps words, first birthday! And I am super excited to hopefully be experiencing many of them in our first house! Fingers crossed!

Heather Haas said...

Hi Amy! My wish for 2011 is for it to be even more amazing than 2010 was! Hopefully there will be even more good things to come!
Heather Haas :)

Unknown said...

In 2011 I hope to spend more time with my friends and family. I hope to be with my daughter as much as possible and watch her grow.

Desiree said...

I was just thinking about the engagement photo session, and I thought I'd check out your website...and what an amazing and Jordan!!! You take the most amazing photos! Jordan and I are so excited to have you capture the moments at our wedding this June!

So a wish for 2011...too many to just list one...I hope you continue to keep Dominic out of snow ball fights at the bus stop, I hope my grandpa who has recently passed finds health and happiness in heaven, for my friends experiencing problems with health, jobs, or relationships...I wish them peace, and I wish for an amazing start to mine and Jordan's forever.

Sijbout & Jamie de Vries said...

For 2011 I wish for happiness in our home and to find myself again. I have a lot of hope for 2011. I'm optimistic that things will turn around and bring good fortune.

Rebecca said...

I am looking forward to spending as much time as I can with my family in 2011!!

Kristie Harmke said...

Hi Amy!

What a blessing 2010 has been and I pray that 2011 brings many more. I pray that Charlie and I can bring all three kiddos to church more....separation anxiety is tough on the little ones. :) I pray that my Grandpa continues to fight cancer and my mother-n-law keeps breast cancer away. On a lighter note, I pray that after having two little girls, I figure out how to do little boys hair!!! Caleb's hair grows so fast!!! I also pray that Motorola lets Charlie have a life at home as well! God Bless you Amy and your talent! You really captured some of our favorite shots on family as well as my sister-n-laws! ~Kristie

Haley said...

I am hoping for another blessed year like 2010. In 2011 I hope to possibly give Raelin a brother or sister! Also, for my husband to find a FULL time job that he really enjoys or maybe start his own small business! I have high hopes for 2011!
P.S. I wish there was a 'like' button next to these comments, some of them are really good. I especially loved Desiree's about keeping her son out of snowball fights LOL!

Anonymous said...

From Leighton's Great Auntie M:

In 2011 I hope that my Mom and best friend Janine are healed from their cancer.

I hope that all who are seeking employment find a job.

I hope that our soldiers serving our country come home safely to their families.

I hope 2011 will be a good year for my entire family.

Klara LeMonier said...

Happy New Year everyone!!!
We just welcomed another addition to our family at the end of 2010. All I wish for is good health, love and happiness :-)

Unknown said...

Hi Amy!

My hope for 2011 is that my husband can start traveling less so he can spend more time with the family. Especially since we'll be welcoming another baby in the Spring! That would be my ultimate wish, we miss him so much!

The Sugden Kids said...

Happy New Year Amy and Congrats on the growth of your business! My hopes for 2011 include staying employed (for my husband, anyhow) there have been a lot of changes with his company lately and he's been lucky so far! Continued health and happiness for everyone... the troops, really coming home... once and for all! That would be nice too... hope it's a great year and hope to see you soon! ~Mel

Ben Black said...

My hope for the new year is to settle in since moving, have a healthy baby boy, and hopefully getting enough sleep.

Melissa said...

Happy New Year... This year I hope both my husband and I can find a job..

Katie said...

Hi Amy,

We're hoping for a healthy arrival of baby #2 this year!

Kim S. said...

Hi Amy!
I hope for a fabulous 2011, full of happiness and good health for everyone! I hope to enjoy each special moment and milestone of our 3 amazing kids. I feel like everyone is always so rushed and in a hurry, but I would love to just be able to enjoy and savor these times while my kids are young, before we know it, they will be all grown up and we will look back and miss these years.:) Happy New Year and best wishes on all your exciting changes with your business!!

skinbikerun said...

First, Amy, let me say I have really enjoyed seeing your photos this year on fb and your blog. Great job! They really are amazing and I wish you the best in growing your business.

In 2011, these are the things I hope for:
I hope my mom heals from her cancer surgeries and treatments - and becomes healthier, happier, and stronger through the struggle.

I hope I graduate and pass all my national licensing exams - so I can go on to be able to help treat cancer patients with the care and respect they deserve.

I hope I have the emotional and physical strength to continue to train - and do the three triathlons I have planned.

I hope I can go on a vacation because I am exhausted from school and training and I really need a trip to somewhere warm.

I hope I laugh a lot this year.

JZ said...

Amy O! How are you??? My hope is for a healthy year for our (expanding) family. :) Baby girl is coming in April--can't wait! Hope you are doing well. Miss you around here.
~Jaime Z.

Lisa R said...

Hi Amy! Happy New Year! I hope and pray that I become an auntie this year... My sister in law is due in April...she's had so many losses.... It's heartbreaking. So, nothing would make me happier this year than a healthy, full term, new addition to the family! No baby will be loved more!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday season. :)

CVT said...

My wish for 2011 is for our daughter, Meghan, to enjoy her new playroom to its fullest extent.