Stephanie and Aaron met in Hawaii. She had a boyfriend and lived in Illinois. So they parted ways. Aaron waited for his true love and here they are meeting half way in Camarillo.
A few details:
Aaron getting ready.
Stephanie's Details.
getting ready
The gorgeous bride..
Then off to the ceremony.
Stephanie & Aaron.
some more details.
the reception was all about the kids.
first dance.
what a fun day!
Happy Holidays! I am taking the next few days off to be with the family. They miss me. I will be finishing up Woods wedding next week and launching the new look for my website. Plus I am thinking a contest... hmm.
Vincent was to cute for words. We took over his house, literally. First stop by the tree, then off to Vincent's room, then to mom and dad's room, then back by the tree. Just typing it makes me dizzy.
These are my favorites from the session. I love Vincent's face in the one of the left.
one good looking family.
Here is Liam. He is back with his new baby sister, Zoe. I loved Liam's room, my favorite color is blue. I even named my daughter Ella Blue because I love it so much.
His new favorite book from the library. "Transportation."
If you check out this blog enough, you know my two favorite things.. lashes and toes.
Here is the new baby sister Zoe! She is too cute for words. Full of smiles and snuggles.
Another set of beautiful little girls! I love Alexa's brown hair. She is just 3 months old and so precious. Reese is 2 and wants a baby alive for this holiday. hint hint.
Here is Logan. He loves cars, Elmo, and Wow Wow Wubzy. I sang the elmo's world a lot today. Had a lot of fun with mom and dad too. They wanted to give some photos as gifts this year.
Here is Carson. He is too cute! All smiles. A little sleepy since we took these at nap time but he was so great. Once I left he was back to night nights.
Oh and on a totally different related note. I figured out how to make my photos really large on the blog. Yippy!
mmm toes.